Mining Farms Located in Several Regions Around the World
Earn Digital Coins with Daily Withdrawals
Mining Contracts Starting at $40 Dollars
The Most Profitable Crypto-Mining Operation

Our Mission is to Promote Financial Freedom Through the Use of Cryptocurrency.

AWS MINING is headquartered in Sydney, Australia, with mining farms across China, Paraguay and Russia. Our goal is to make mining accessible to all users regardless of age, location, investment, technical knowledge or experience. AWS MINING is able to process instant payments and withdrawals as well as offering appropriated support throughout the entire mining process. This is quite different from traditional models of mining that involve maintenance and configuration of highly specialized hardware.

Cloud Mining x Buying Hardware

When Bitcoin was introduced to the market, digital coin mining was possible only through ordinary computers. As the coin’s popularization and the amount of transactions increased, the block’s complexity enhanced.

Nowadays, to mine on your own it’s necessary to invest a great amount of money, have technical skills to set up high tech machinery and build proper infrastructure.
