की तैनाती: 2 साल
A cryptocurrency broker acts as an intermediary between the buyer of a cryptocurrency and its seller. You need to choose it after studying binance reviews (). A broker can buy a large amount of cryptocurrency and sell it on their platform, thus acting as a direct seller. However, most often the term “cryptocurrency broker” means mediation: you submit an application and pay for the cryptocurrency, and the broker places this application on the cryptocurrency exchange.
मेरी टाइमलाइन पर शेयर करें

Georg ZZZ में शामिल हो गए: 2 साल

की तैनाती: 2 साल
thx for the info. if you are looking for a reliable crypto exchange i can advise you of the best pair i know - kraken & gemini. feel free to read next comparaison gemini vs kraken